Hawaii Braces for a Potential Mass-Coral Bleaching Event


Hawaii Braces for a Potential Mass-Coral Bleaching Event


Coral reefs in Hawaiian waters are facing the prospect of another major bleaching event as ocean temperatures rise above the norm. “We found the first signs of [coral] bleaching off the coast of Maui [Hawaii] about 10 days ago,” says Greg Asner, Director of Arizona State University’s Center for Global Discovery and Conservation Science. “And more signs are popping up everywhere. Usually when this happens, certain species are like the canaries in the coal mine, and we now have those species showing severe stress first.”

Read More at: https://news.mongabay.com/2019/08/extremely-warm-sea-temperatures-are-likely-to-cause-hawaiian-corals-to-bleach-and-even-die/

Hawaii braces for potential mass-coral bleaching event

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